WIC office is located at:
15 N Main St, Knox, IN 46534
Ph 574-772-2175
Fax 574-772-2764
WIC Eligibility
What is WIC?
WIC is a nutrition program that helps pregnant and postpartum individuals, infants, and children eat well and stay healthy.
Who’s eligible?
- Pregnant persons;
- Postpartum parents (up to six months after delivery);
- Breast/chestfeeding parents (up to one year after delivery);
- Infants (babies under the age of one);
- Children under the age of five.
You must live in Indiana, be a United States citizen or Qualified Alien (if age 18 or over), and meet income guidelines.
Please scan the QR code below for income guidelines.
What does WIC provide?
- Healthy foods designed to meet special nutrition needs including seasonal fresh produce benefits to purchase from local farmers;
- Nutrition and health screening and assessment;
- Nutrition education and counseling;
- Breast/chestfeeding support, including breast/chestfeeding parents receiving additional nutritional foods from WIC, one-on-one support from Peer Counselors, and access to lactation professionals;
- Referrals to other Indiana health, family, and social services.

“This institution is an equal opportunity provider”